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Cyber Monday Charity Event

Instead of giving a discount this year for cyber Monday we decided to take a different tact. As part of our build up to Christmas we said we'd donate £1 from every order to homeless charities in the UK. On that day we received 22 orders, so we decided that we'd double that and we gave £44 to the Salvation Army. Thank you for your support for not only our small business, but also recognizing that sometimes paying the full amount for products to support others is more important than getting a product for the cheapest possible price. 


Thank you, Mr JOHNSON. Your donation will change lives.

The Salvation Army works to provide caring and practical support to people who are most vulnerable this festive season. Our work is only possible because of your generous support, so please be assured of my sincere thankfulness - even more so considering what an unprecedented year this has been. Above all, be warmed by the thanks I send you from the people whom you are helping today with your donation.

You will shortly receive an email from me to confirm your gift. Thank you again for your generosity.

May God bless you,

Lieut-Colonel Dean Pallant
On behalf of The Salvation Army


  • DonationAmount: £ 44
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