Our returns policy is made to be as simple and easy as possible. Here's all you need to know.
What can I return?
You may return most new, unopened items sold within 7 days of delivery for a full refund.
When will I get my refund?
Usually within 2 weeks of returning your order. After we receive and process your return, and on inspection of the product to ensure it’s is new and undamaged.
Do we offer replacements or exchanges?
Yes, we do. If you received a damaged or defective item, we’ll send you a replacement of the same item. If you’d like to exchange an item for something else, you can exchange for a different size or colour, the payment for the pickup and delivery of exchanged items needs to be paid by the customer
Refund for returned product
The price of returned products is always reimbursed according to the payment method used for the order. If the returned product has been used, damaged or is otherwise unsuitable for resale, Hype Design Ltd has the right to charge a fee for loss of value up to the full price of the product.
We will make the refund within 14 days of receiving the returned product at our warehouse. We process product returns in the order in which they arrive.
We make a refund decision after receiving the product. We do not accept returned products if:
After receiving the product, we detect defects in it or its packaging.
If faults are detected in the condition of the product, our customer service will contact you.